A few days ago I stumbled into a recipe on the beautiful blog of Apples under my bed. It came exactly at the right time as I was searching for some new inspiration to revive our good breakfasts habits. Ever since we’ve started working out 5-7 times a week (with freeletics) five weeks ago, I’ve been feeling like I lost my way with eating healthy. I get so hungry! Apparently that’s normal, you just have to find a new rhythm. Or work yourself back to your old rhythm. That’s exactly what I’m trying this week as I did love my old rhythm. I just wanted to add some exercise to the mix, which isn’t an easy thing apparently.
As kasha is part of my ideal day-to-day diet, and as the pictures in the blog mentioned above were mouthwatering, I hoped that it wouldn’t slap me back into my normal routine. I wouldn’t be me though, if I didn’t try to give my own twist to the original recipe. For this recipe it meant that I just made my own regular kasha with buckwheat, and for the sauce I basically used the same ingredients and added something extra to spice it up. That something extra was a pinch of cinnamon. You can’t really taste the cinnamon in the sauce, but it really highlights the other tastes in the caramelised sauce. It turned out very flavourful. I have to add that Eduard loved it as well.
I also prepared the sauce in a slightly different way as I just used prepared coffee and didn’t grind up coffee beans. It’s definitely worth trying out the original recipe as well, but I imagined that my way was slightly easier and I didn’t want to spend too much time in the morning working on this.
This is what I did:
Caramelised coffee honey sauce
Ingredients (4-6 servings)
1/2 espresso cup coffee (warm)
1/2 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp cinnamon
To do
Mix the ingredients together in a sauce pan on the stove and slowly let it come to a boil. Within a few minutes you will see the coffee reduce and shortly after you will see bubbles forming on top of the liquid. The mix will start to caramelise, now you have to stir it around to prevent it from burning. Let it reduce to the consistency you want to have. Keep in mind that it will thicken up when it cools down.
Now just pour it out over your kasha/banana bowl and sprinkle some nuts on top. I used hazelnuts. Whatever you have left over, you can put aside for a next time. Just place it in a cool place and warm it up the next time you are going to use it. As you might know, I always make kasha for two days, so we will use this sauce for at least four servings.
I promise you a very good start of the day!