I bought a grapevine last week. I decided to keep it in a pot as long as we live here.
It grew very fast though this week. The sun and rain are healing for such a supermarket plant I think. Eduard kept on telling me that I had to guide it up some kind of trelly. I gave it some thought and decided to place it in a bigger pot and let it grow towards our upper floor balcony. I put up some rainbow coloured cotton yarn, so that it looks nice even though the grape hasn’t reached the top yet. 

Right now it looks like the grapevine is playing the harp. Don’t you think? 
I hope it all holds up when the plant is bigger. We’ll see. I’ll update you during the season. I also wonder how the color of the yarn will hold out. If it will vanish or not. For now I’m very happy with it. The terrace is also slowly cleaning up now. I hope to have it finished by the end of next week. We’ll have visiting family then.

Have you ever grown a grapevine in a pot? I wonder if it will work. I’ll have to find some information on growing grapes in a pot. If you have any advise, please share it with me.

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harp grapevine1

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harp grapevine