Breakfast rituals. A lot has been written about it, by myself included. I have told you earlier that I have a few breakfast templates that I rotate during the week to keep myself entertained. Homemade frozen shakes have now become a template as well. I find it a very pleasant and fast way to kick start my day in spring or summer time. At the same time it’s ideal to get some beneficial things into my body without a lot of fuss.
To make the shakes I use some of the same ingredients that I use for the breakfast kasha’s. It’s just a matter of mix and match to create the taste I am looking for on a specific day. As a base I often use a milk, some ice cubes and a frozen banana. The banana makes the shake sweet enough without adding anything else. This time I wanted to make it a bit sweeter, so I added lucuma to the mix, but that isn’t necessary.
Now. If you want to try, this is how it goes. Gather your ingredients. I try to choose a divers set of ingredients with different nutrients, which I find important to add to my diet. You can do that too based on your diet, or just follow my list. When you have collected everything, place them into the blender and pulse until you have the right consistency. Pour it in a glass. Straw is optional. Sprinkle some chia seeds and pollen on top if you like and you are ready to go. Enjoy.
What do you need*:
– 1 frozen banana
– 250ml milk (whatever kind you want)
– 1 tsp raw cocoa powder
– 1 tsp hemp seeds
– 1 tsp lucuma powder
– 1/2 tsp chia seeds
– 1/2 tsp pollen
– handful of ice cubes
*I get most of these ‘strange’ ingredients here. They ship to some European countries.