Painting classes in Grenoble at L’atelier le Temps des Couleurs
Being an expat or a short-term migrant in a new country is not always easy. One of the things that I find very difficult to cope with, is not being able to take part in all the classes I want, because my French is far from fluent. I especially miss the option to join all kinds of creative classes. I’ve been asking around if people could recommend creative workshops to me that are also accessible for english speaking people, but I haven’t been able to find a lot of things the last two years. Strangely enough, in more recent weeks I’ve been stumbling upon a lot of creative classes that are hosted by people that speak English. Which is exciting, but a little too late for some, as we don’t know when we are leaving and it might be pretty soon.
It’s not too late though for this specific course of painting classes that I’m going to follow. I was walking in Grenoble today with a friend and she walked into this painting studio with a restoration question. As she was talking to the owner, I found myself falling in love with the light and the painting table setups. I saw half finished paintings displayed. Which were obviously works of students. When my friend finished the conversation, I had to think for a few seconds, but decided to ask if she also gave courses in English. The women responded that her English was not as good as her Spanish (gha!) but that she could definitely help me. She pointed out work from her students, stating where they came from originally. One from Brazil, another from China and so on. That sounded like something I could fit in to.
With some hand gestures towards each other, we made each other clear, that we could easily fill up the language gap between us. Hooray! She then gave me some information. I checked out her website and I just decided to sign up for a few hours of painting classes per week for this upcoming month. Can’t wait!
If you are looking for painting classes in Grenoble that are taught in more than one (french) language, this might be an option for you as well. The atelier is situated Grenoble city centre and is easily accessible by foot, public transport or car.