Harvesting and picking cherries in early june
The cherry picking has begun this weekend. We have two cherry trees. One seems to produce sweeter cherries than the other. But both taste already excellent. Even though they are not all ripe yet. We will be picking them for a week or two from now on. I might make some jam out of them, depending on how much we have left. We’ll see. The first problem we have to solve though is how to pick them. The trees are pretty high.
We bought a ladder this weekend, but as you can see on the pictures it’s not big enough to catch the nicest fruit. I’ve been asking around and some people helped out with bringing up ideas of the things we could do. I got some big ideas like this, but also absurd suggestions like finding an elephant with parkinsons to shake up against the trees and thankfully also very good ideas. So tomorrow I think we will go to the hardware store to find this last tool and hopefully we can harvest the cherries more optimally. If that doesn’t work, next time the circus is in town, we’ll ask if we can borrow the elephant for an afternoon.
Then we’ll also be able to use this tool later in the year for the apples and plums that are slowly starting to grow. They are now still hiding in between the leafs in camouflage colours. In the meantime we’ll be sharing the harvest with the birds. It seems that they like cherries as well.